On Tuesday, the Congress released its manifesto for the Rajasthan assembly elections. The manifesto titled 'Jan Ghoshna Patra' was released at the state party office by Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, party in-charge for Rajasthan Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, chief minister Ashok Gehlot, state party president Govind Singh Dotasra, manifesto committee chairman CP Joshi, and former deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot.
In its Rajasthan election manifesto, Congress promised a new scheme for panchayat recruitment and a caste census if it returns to power in the state.
"...The people of Rajasthan will be proud of the way we have managed the state's financial situation... Rajasthan's per capita income has increased by 46.48 per cent. Our ambition is to be the highest-income country in the world by 2030. "The state GDP reached 19.50 in 2020-21, the highest in the decade," Gehlot said at the press conference.
If the Congress is re-elected, Gehlot has already made seven "guarantees" or promises to the people of Rajasthan.
Among the seven "guarantees" are
- A yearly honorarium of ₹10,000 is guaranteed by the Griha Lakshmi Yojana for the female head of the family.
- LPG cylinders for households ranging from ₹500k to 1.05k.
- purchase of manure for ₹2 per kg from cattle rearers with the Gowdhan guarantee.
- legislation for the previous government employee pension plan.
- Tablets or laptops are given to students applying to government colleges.
- Insurance that covers up to ₹15 lakh per family for education in the English language and natural disaster losses.
- The ₹25 lakh to ₹50 lakh Chiranjeevi health insurance scheme will be implemented.
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