Whether it's her elegant Western attire or her traditional Indian look, Alia Bhatt has always been an inspiration to many when it comes to making fashion statements. The 30-year-old actress was recently spotted at the Mumbai St Regis Hotel for the GQ Men of the Year event. She looked stunning in a red Gucci outfit for the occasion, but her enormously high heels stole the show. A video of Viral Bhayani's walk down the red carpet at the event was also posted by the paparazzo and the official Instagram account of GQ India. Examine them.
Netizens reaction
Social media users quickly flooded the comment section with their opinions
on Alia's outfit after her event videos went viral. "Alia Bhatt is an erotic
Fantastic Bombastic," a user commented. Another said, "I think she looks
gorgeous, contrary to what most people are saying in the comments, except
for her shoes, which are quite eccentric." Her hair gives her a diva
appearance, and her gorgeous fair skin is perfectly complemented by a dark
colour. There is also a deep neckline that one cannot overlook!
Who all attended the event?
Numerous Bollywood celebrities, including Ridhi Dogra, Aditya Roy Kapur,
Mouni Roy, Shruti Haasan, Shriya Pilgaonkar, and Kirti Kulhari, were present
at the event. View a few of the photos taken from the red carpet.
Mouni Roy, Aditya Roy Kapur on the red carpet of GQ Men of the Year 2023. |
Ridhi Dogra and Shriya Pilgaonkar on the red carpet of GQ Men of the Year 2023. |
Kirti Kulhari and Shruti Haasan on the red carpet of GQ Men of the Year 2023. |
Filmmaker Karan Johar announced that he had won his first Director of the Year
award for Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani at the event and posted a number of
photos from his attendance on Instagram.
He wrote, "My first Director of the Year award at @gqindia!" alongside the photos. We are incredibly grateful for the love and support we have received as a team for #rockyaurranikiipremkahaani. We are ecstatic and very thankful! To the GQ team, thank you!
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