Even though forecasts indicated no significant change in meteorological conditions over the weekend, Delhi's air quality improved to the very poor category on Friday morning after briefly entering the severe zone on Thursday. During the day, wind speeds were predicted to reach five to six km/h, and the quality of the air was expected to stay extremely low. During the day, five to six km/h winds are expected in the Capital, and the extremely poor air quality is expected to persist.
At noon on Friday, the 24-hour average Air Quality Index (AQI) was 378 (very poor). On Thursday, the air quality index was 398 (very poor) at 4 p.m., and by 7 p.m., it had deteriorated to 401 (severe).
On Friday, the minimum temperature of 13.3°C was three degrees higher than average. It was Thursday, 12.6°C. It was expected that the wind would continue to be easterly on Friday and then shift to the northwest on Saturday. By Sunday, the minimum temperature was predicted to fall to 11°C. The high will remain at about 25°C until Sunday.
In November, Delhi experienced nine days with extreme air quality, with the AQI exceeding 400. Additionally, it noted nine more days with an AQI between 390 and 400 that was close to being severe. 18 near-severe or severe air days were reported in the Capital in November, the most since 13 such days were reported in November 2021 and 11 in November 2016.
The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) reported on Thursday that Delhi experienced an average wind speed of four km/h in November, which is comparatively low. There were extended periods of calm winds. Ten kilometres per hour on average is an effective wind speed for dispersing pollutants.
November saw far fewer paddy farm fires in Punjab and Haryana than it had in the previous three years, according to CAQM. It claimed that extremely unfavourable weather and climatic conditions greatly increased Delhi's PM2.5 load. "This year's Deepawali festival fell during the height of the paddy harvesting season in Punjab and Haryana, exacerbating the air pollution..."
It stated that, compared to 49,922 last year, Punjab recorded 36,663 farm fires through November 30. With 2,303 fires reported this year, Haryana reported 3,661 last year.
In November, Delhi's 24-hour average AQI was 373. It was 376 in November 2021 and 321 in November of last year. According to CAQM, the year was cleaner than prior years when the average AQI for the entire year was examined.
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